The Association for the Sageguard of Lake Geneva (ASL) is a French and Swiss, non-profit NGO of a scientific nature dedicated to the preservation of Lake Geneva and its tributaries. Founded in 1980, the ASL focuses on protecting water quality, safeguarding aquatic ecosystems, and ensuring that the lake’s waters remain a clean and sustainable resource for generations to come.
The ASL played a significant role in reducing phosphate pollution, in cooperation with other stakeholders, and is now focused on emerging environmental challenges such as microplastics, micropollutants, and invasive species.
The ASL is committed to protecting the ecological integrity of Lake Geneva through scientific research, practical conservation projects, and advocacy for sustainable water management. The organisation’s work spans a wide array of activities, from cleaning up waste to raising public awareness about the importance of preserving aquatic ecosystems. The ASL practices a cooperative and evidence-based approach, working with both public authorities and civil society to achieve long-term environmental goals.
Through hands-on projects such as Net'Léman, the great lake clean-up which removes several tons of rubbish from the lake each year, and the Halte aux Renouées Stop Knotweed campaign aimed at uprooting invasive knotweed species, the ASL takes tangible steps to restore and protect Lake Geneva’s natural environment.
Awareness raising and education at all levels are fundamental to the ASL's mission. Whether in classrooms, targeting the general public, or engaging with businesses, the ASL conducts information campaigns, organises conferences, and participates in events to enhance knowledge about Lake Geneva and its ecosystem, highlighting the importance of protecting this precious natural resource. In 2024, the ASL has also inaugurated Espace Léman, a welcoming space dedicated to discovering the lake, displaying its biodiversity and the threats facing this unique ecosystem.
Recognising the importance of community involvement, the ASL has developed several citizen science projects, including Pla'stock, APP Net'Léman and Lémanscope .These initiatives empower volunteers to contribute to scientific research by collecting and analysing data related to lake health and pollution levels.
The ASL collaborates closely with governmental agencies, academic institutions, and other environmental organisations to share expertise and promote effective conservation strategies. Its strong reputation for serious scientific rigor, objectivity, and practical solutions is recognised by federal, cantonal/departmental, and municipal authorities, as well as the general public. This has made the ASL a key player in the sustainable management of Lake Geneva and its surrounding areas.
Beyond its involvement in various commissions, the ASL takes action by engaging with authorities whenever deemed necessary. It actively participates, both directly and indirectly, in the development of public policies related to water management and the conservation of aquatic ecosystems in the Lake Geneva region.
In order to continue carrying out their protection and awareness-raising activities, they need your support. By becoming a member or supporter of the ASL, you are joining a passionate community determined to preserve Lake Geneva for future generations. Your membership will enable them to fund activities in the field in order to preserve the biodiversity of Lake Geneva and its tributaries in the long term. Their work is recognised by the federal, cantonal/departmental and municipal authorities, as well as by the general public, for its seriousness and objectivity.
Join them today and help preserve Lake Geneva, one of our region's most precious natural wonders!